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“[…] all buildings that suffer from the problems of limescale deposits have the potential to be remedied by this technology” [1].

Limescale is not usually visible to the naked eye in water.

Only when (hard) water is heated can limescale be recognised as a white deposit. But once limescale deposits have formed, it is usually too late. On this page, you will learn how the Fluid Dynamics technology inside the AQON PURE system has been tested for its effectiveness in reducing limescale deposits on surfaces.

Study: GSA

The framework conditions

Test duration: 18 months [2]

Test object: 6 heating elements [3] in an electric domestic hot water production system [4]

Water Hardness: Hard [5]

Test location: Frank E. Moss federal courthouse in Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) [6]

Carried out by: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and General Services Administration (GSA) as part of the GSA Proving Ground Program [6]

Result white

The technology prevents calcite deposits and saves energy [8]

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Who is the General Services Administration (GSA)?
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What is the GSA Proving Ground programme?
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Who is the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)?

Course of the study

In 2012 [4], the General Services Administration commissioned the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to investigate the effectiveness of Fluid Dynamics technology. This Fluid Dynamics technology is built into the AQON PURE system and is responsible for the effect.

The study is based on a before-and-after comparison, which assesses the limescale deposits that form on the heating elements of a water heating system [5].

Before the installation of the catalytic-based technology (Fluid Dynamics technology) and without any kind of water treatment, the commercial heating elements had such a considerable amount of calcite deposits that they overheated and failed after two months of operation. After installation (of the Fluid Dynamics technology), the heating elements showed a small amount of calcite deposits – even after 18 months [12].

Further information

The information shown here on the investigation of Fluid Dynamics technology is taken from the original GSA documents. These are available for download here and on the website of the General Services Administration (GSA).


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Investigation: Hohenstein

The Hohenstein Innovations gGmbH confirmed the effect of AQON PURE:

  • AQON PURE water treatment technology is a useful system for lime protection treatment of drinking water
  • Within the AQON PURE module, heterogeneous lime crystals and a specific lime morphology (seed crystal formation) occur.
  • The resulting lime crystals consist mostly of aragonite, which have reduced adhesion to surfaces.

The results can be found in Investigation Report No.

About Hohenstein

The investigations were carried out by Hohenstein Innovations gGmbH (as part of a research project. Hohenstein Innovations gGmbH has many years of experience in technical, chemical and process engineering issues relating to environmental technologies, laundry technology and textile chemistry. Design guidelines, methods for quality testing of water technologies, and requirement catalogues for evaluating product performance in the area of water and wastewater treatment have increasingly been implemented in various research projects with a focus on innovative products and processes in the topic block “sustainable water cycles”.

You can find more information here:

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[1] Howett, D. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-Based Scale Pre-vention for Domestic Hot Water Systems Full Report. GSA, S. 28.

[2] GSA. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-based scale preven-tion 4-page brief. GSA, S. 2.

[3] Howett, D. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-Based Scale Prevention for Domestic Hot Water Systems Full Report. GSA, S. 21.

[4] Howett, D. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-Based Scale Prevention for Domestic Hot Water Systems Full Report. GSA, S. 1.

[5] GSA. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-based scale preven-tion 4-page brief. GSA, S. 2.

[6] GSA. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-based scale preven-tion 4-page brief. GSA, S. 1.

[7] Howett, D. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-Based Scale Pre-vention for Domestic Hot Water Systems Full Report. GSA, S. 26.

[8] GSA. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-based scale prevention 4-page brief. GSA, S. 4.

[9] GSA. (o. D.). Background.

[10] GSA. (o. D.). GSA properties.

[11] Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (o. D.). Solving the big problems.

[12] GSA. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-based scale prevention4-page brief. GSA, S. 3.

[13] Howett, D. (2015). AWT: Catalyst-Based ScalePrevention for Domestic Hot Water Systems Full Report. GSA, S. 7–8.

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